Tuesday, 24 March 2009

20 Things Boy Doesn't Know About Girl

  1. There's no such things as too many shoes
  2. We love hugs. It may sound cheesy or whatever but it's true. We like being close to u
  3. All we want to know is u think we are pretty. Don't forget to tell us
  4. Girls will not seat on any toilet outside their own home or five star hotel
  5. The most painless way to end an argument is Let her win
  6. When a girl plays with your hair, it sometimes means she majorly flirting with u
  7. All girls think they're smarter than her partners in some significant way
  8. If u have something to hide, she'll find it
  9. On a first date, girl never order what they really want
  10. More than a half surveyed females between 18&25 would prefer to be run over by truck than be fat
  11. When a girl tells u her problem, she doesn't want u to offer solutions
  12. If your girlfriend is mad at u, give her free time to cool off. Then come up with a cute way to say sorry, like putting roses in her locker with a little sticky way note that say "sorry baby"
  13. A little teasing is fine, but make they know u are joking
  14. We don't intentionally try n make jealous but we do think it's cute when u are
  15. If u ask out a girl n she says "let me think about it" or "i don't know". Then she really think about it. Don't ask her again that day, but don't wait so long. She'll think it was a joke or u forgot
  16. When it's come to call a girl, try opening with something sweet, like "hey sweetheart" or "i miss u today"
  17. Don't take a girl to a concert u really want to see, she'll just want to leave early
  18. Once in a while, let us pick the movie n don't complain about it
  19. Girls think it's funny when u act gay as long as they know u're not
  20. Buying a present for your girlfriend? She'll hate it if she finds out u took along another girl to help pick it up

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